
山山アートセンターについて about us

生きよう survive & be alive




 「アート」とか「芸術」とかという言葉に耳馴染みのない人もいます。すべての枠組をとりはらって私たちを自由にしてくれるもの、苦しさも醜さもひっくるめた人間存在そのものの「うつくしさ」を教えてくれるもの、生きるうえでの支え、そういうものを今ここで仮に「アート」と呼んでみたい。 この「アート」なる横文字のふしぎな言葉を切り口に、いまだかつて見たことのないものがしかし現実に存在するのだという希望にあふれた体験を、共に分かち合う場所をつくります。


The world is big, the history is long, and each of us is so tiny. Our tiny hearts are easy to be crushed . But despite, we want to be alive. Let’s survive. Let’s survive with the desire to be alive. We call for the fellows for it. There should be place and time to search for life seriously, because we are children / because we are youth / because we’ve got old / because we are alive.

The fellows to survive is not necessarily one united group to move toward one goal. Each one can be differently directed to what is important for each. Different people encounter, stay together, support or encourage each other, mix each other, and take farewell to each departure. This can be such free relationship. Our challenge is to create an environment,  free and natural for anyone from different age / gender / any other background.  Each one can be faced on one’s own real subject, despite the difference from who are together. Our ambition is to create it here together with who are closed to us, and to create it filled with confidence of reality, not only inside of closed community but ask opened for whole planet.
That is why we use this word “Yamayama (=mountains)” as a beautiful & common existence all over the world over the history. We need to be with “local people”, at the same time with “strangers”. Where we belong is where we create.

“Art” might not be familiar for all. Here we temporary call it “art”; what frees us from any frame,  what tells us beauty of human being including its suffer and ugliness, what supports our energy to be alive. This mysterious word can be a door to the reality in experience of wonder. Our hope is to share this experience of wonder, together……

Together with children who lack feeling of worth to do. Together with youths who are afraid of future. Together with parents who feel helpless to be parents. Together with who is lonelier, the harder one works. Together with who’s got old and passed the social baton to next generation. Together with who grew up here, with who came from outside. Together with who suffers from any barrier, injury or disease. Together with who want to challenge something new. 
etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc. 

Together with who wants to be alive.

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